John D. Cressler, Reinventing Teenagers: The Gentle Art of Instilling
Character in Our Young People, Xlibris,
Philadelphia, PA, 2004, 589 pages.
Reinventing Teenagers provides parents and teachers of teenagers with a fresh approach and a hands-on resource for changing the number one thing we hate about today’s kids: their lack of character. Reinventing Teenagers provides 650 carefully chosen quotations and personal reflections on 20 different subject areas relevant to today’s teens. A variety of creative approaches are used to help get our young people to begin to reflect on their lives, think about their goals and aspirations, perhaps become a bit less cynical, and realize that they are the makers of their own destiny.
Contents by Chapter:
The Problem and the Solution, Using This Book, Acknowledgment, About the Author, From The Trenches (Case Studies), Happiness and Right Living, Work Ethic and Succeeding, Setting and Achieving Goals, The Meaning of Life, Self-Discovery, Tee-Hee’s, The Spiritual World, Using Your Talents to Make a Difference, Character and Self-respect, How to Treat Others, Wisdom, Learning and Teaching, Science and Nature, Books and the Written Word, Friendship And Love, Music and Art, Truth and Beauty, Life’s Journey, Attitude, Brain Teasers and Trivia, Your Own Favorites and Finds, Biographies, Author Index of Quotations
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Printable Quotations (launchable pdf file)